
Mindless Idiots Who Ask For Your HelpCharacters with a * by their name means their design is not finalized and may change drastically
Boatman Bill
Here we have the village idiot. Bill was put in charge of running the boating service, since he doesn't have the brains to do much else. While he may be a little dense, he DOES know about money and it's many joys. Boatman Bill may be kind hearted and dim-witted, but jsut like everyone else on Kaching Island, greed sometimes gets the best of him. When Nancy wanted to cross the river over to Broadway Island, Bill was happy to oblige... for a price, that is. The toll for boat rides was 10 coins. Nancy had to collect enough coins in order to cross the waters seperating the two islands. While Nancy collected the coins, Bill just stood at the docks vacantly. That's all he does during his free time. Yup. That's it.
Oh yeah, he's a platypus.

It's so hard to find good help these days, eh? Pipey works at the local casino/night club, mixing drinks and tending to the customers' needs. She doesn't really have the skills needed for the job, so it's a mystery as to how she was hired. She's incredibly squeamish, which is pretty unffortunate, since Rat Blend is the featured drink on the menu tonight. Fortunately for her, Nancy arrives just in time to gather up the rats and mix 'em up for Pipey. Grateful for her services, Pipey allows Nancy access to the dance floor. With the work done and the music going, Pipey is finally allowed to relax after a hard day of almost work. Just don't startle her.

Redneck Rooster
Redneck Rooster, as his name implies, is every redneck stereotype rolled into one person. He's loud and obnoxious and messy. He spends most of his life hunting, fishing, drinking beer, and watching Nascar. When he's not doin' any of that, he's sitting out on his portch, watchin for solicitors to shoot. What a lively rooster, huh?He has just about no good qualities to him. So why do we love him so? Because he's a redneck and he's also a rooster.
When Nancy wanders into his swamp, he is just about ready to fill her full of lead. Instead, she helps him take care of the monstrous mosquito problem surrounding his house. As a reward, he not only gives her some cash, but opens up the way to the old haunted house up the road. How does a redneck get that kind of money without a job? Maybe it happened in a spinoff sequel... Or not. The chances of Redneck Rooster getting his own game are just about as good as Koopa the Quick getting his own game.

Dapper Dan *
Who in their right mind would name their child 'DAPPER' Dan? I mean, come on. How did they know he would grow up to be a dapper fellow?
Well anyways, they were right. He DID grow up to be a dapper fellow. Always in a good mood and helping people. He always had a smile on his face and greeted everyone with a friendly "howdydoo!" He's the owner and bartender of the Rusty Collar bar down by the docks. Everyday, he'd provide service with a smile for all the sailors and wenches who dropped by for a drink before shoreleave. Yup, nothing could get this pup down.
Until one day that is. When Nancy walked into the Rusty Collar, it was not the peaceful place it used to be. Pirates were EVERYWHERE! They were breaking stuff, spilling beer, doing uncoordinated dances, and being general nuisances. After Nancy and Winston take care of the pirates, Dapper Dan tells them that the crew of the Possum Pirate Captain Shunks have been causing a ruckus all around town for the past few days. Hoping for a cash reward, Nancy decides to deal with this little pest problem. However, the pests seem to be bigger than she thought... and fatter too.
More to come!
Page, Content and overall Nancy Bombs is ©Dustin Jackson 2005-2006. Site designed by Carmen Melendez (kickme.to/w42)